First appearance of the Spider Mobile! Also:
\Uh….Those are teeth, dude, not claws. Anyway, that’s not the real Vulture. It’s Peter Parker’s college professor. Because in the Marvel Universe, nerds are wicked powerful. Here’s a neat little sequence:

Meanwhile, Peter and Johnny Storm continue to develop the Spider-Mobile and Harry Osborn continues to get crazier and crazier.

The cover of #127 is exceptional, as it affixes to a spider web the complex elements of this comic book series, including multiple subplots.
A “D”-?? You’re being a little hard, here! This story was okay, with all it’s classic ‘Spider-Man’ tropes- a great skirmish with the Vulture, Harry Osborn’s developing schizophrenia, the Spidey-Torch bromance, ( shortly after I graduated from high school, one of my high-school chums climbed into my bedroom window, as we see Spidey do with the Torch in this issue, and rudely awaken me from a summer-morning slumber by zonking me in the head with a very-well tossed rolled-up newspaper! ) and- the Spider-Mobile!! ( too bad it didn’t last-it could have been a toy manufacturer’s Manna from Heaven! ) Your observation about the Vulture’s teeth and claws are incorrect- just because the Vulture is using what remains of his teeth to gnaw loose Spidey’s webbing is no reason he can’t go after Spidey with his claws, is there-?? Speaking of the ever-effervescent Human Torch, does anybody else out there besides me just totally miss that awesome red costume??? Wish Marvel ( and Johnny ) would give it another try. Also, I seriously doubt anything could give Johnny heartburn. ( as per scene above ) I would suspect that Johnny’s metabolism is immune to acidity, as a beneficial side-effect of his powers. ( Johnny can’t burn-see his “powers and abilities” entry on his page in The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe ) and, lastly- Ross Andru may not have been one of Spidey’s most exciting artists, but this issue’s cover is pretty iconic. I really liked it! A “D”-?? No, sir- this issue is a solid “B”! Thank you!