This story reboots Death’s Head by adding a 3.0 to his name. Even if this were 616 canon, it wouldn’t be worth your time. Generic story. Generic “we introduced a new character” final panel.

When I started this site I made the decision to only cover stories that happen in Earth 616. I knew this meant I wouldn’t be able to cover that first wave of Ultimates books–including the great Ultimate Spider-Man–but it also meant I would have to read Age of Apocalypse or all the Marvel UK titles so I figured on balance it was a win. I’ve occasionally departed from this rule and tagged the books as “not canon” (see tag below). But at some point I’m going to need to revisit and read all the books because sometimes they are relevant (if I’m still doing this obsessive, time-sucking work in a few years).
This story–the last in this anthology series–is particularly tough. Halfway through, there is a Merc back-up story (because of the New Universe relaunch in 2006, which I WILL cover on this site). And then the final issue says, “As seen in Planet Hulk.” But that’s the thing: Death’s Head 3.0 is emphatically NOT seen in Planet Hulk because Death’s Head 3.0 does not take place on Earth 616. There are Death’s Head Guards in Planet Hulk, but they’re not this dude.