So Marvel Feature #1 involves Dr. Strange sees a mystic threat involving Yandroth. So he summons Hulk and Sub-Mariner.  Pretty funny issue.

Together, they beat the villain in just one issue and all go their separate ways.

They finally get a name.  And they’re all quitting.

pie throwing super villain

Then, Marvel Feature #2 involves Dr. Strange getting kidnapped by Dormammu.  So Clea sends a mystic SOS and summons Hulk and Sub-Mariner.  They beat Dormammu in one issue and all go their separate ways.

Then, Marvel Feature #3 involves Jim Wilson watching the filming of a TV show where something goes mystically wrong, so he asks Dr. Strange for help.  Hulk comes along and Strange summons Sub-Mariner for help.

At the end of #3, Sub-Mariner tells Dr. Strange to lose his phone number.  And Hulk says he doesn’t want to be on a team. Makes sense, because Strange keeps calling them for help and he’s always a dick about it.

The villain above, Xemnu, was the first Hulk.

It was in two Lee/Kirby issues of Journey to Mystery.  Xemnu hadn’t been seen since.  But he’ll be a fairly regular foe of The Defenders.

After this, they get their own comic.

Even though they’re broken up and not a team.

Cute beginning. Good ideas. Steve Englehart will make this work a lot better than Roy Thomas ever could.

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