The first issue without Doug Moench as writer and Bill Sienkiewicz’s pencils, and it suffers for it. Interestingly, the writer is Steven Grant–which is the name of one of Moon Knight’s personalities. And speaking of his mental illness…

…Marlene’s “joke” wouldn’t fly today. Even tough, I’m betting if you’re in a relationship with a guy like Moon Knight/Marc/Jake/Steven, that wouldn’t hurt his feelings.

Or maybe it would.
Grant’s not a bad writer, but the change in creative team is such a break in tone and quality that the story reads much worse than it actually is–which is to say, it’s an average comic. Maybe slightly below.

There’s a cop killer on the loose.

Moon Knight stalks him.

The cops don’t appreciate his help.

Of course he eventually finds the killer.

And not only beats him up, but also works through some of his “I hate myself” issues.

At one point, he meets with Kingpin–which is a rare connection to the greater Marvel universe in this story. We last saw it connect to Daredevil almost a year ago, and since then Moon Knight’s series is basically self-contained.
I’m pretty sure this is the first time Kingpin and Moon Knight met.
Also, this:
