The X-Men visit “Valle Soleada,” a Socal community where humans and mutants leave together in harmony. It’s two newest residents are Gambit and Rogue, who just want to live and love together in peace.
But of course it’s not as idyllic as it seems. A gang of mutant youth are terrorizing the peaceful humans. There’s “redlining” against humans by a local realtor, who wants to build a mutants-only community. And on the other side, of course, there’s a “Friends of Humanity and Purity” group that wants to expunge the mutants.
Claremont does a good job on this–it’s easily my favorite arc of the X-Treme series so far. It’s kinda perfect for him: Multiple storylines can develop gradually, ultimately intersecting, and each of them offers lots of opportunity for conflict and character work.

It is a little overwritten but, again, it’s Claremont.