Roy Thomas finally delivers the end of the “Factor Three” storyline, and frankly, it never gets worth reading. Along the way are some very lame villains. A dude named Mekano who we’ll never see again. Vanisher. “Mutant Master” (who we also never see again). Changeling.
We do get a bubble prison, though. That’s always nice.
Add that now Don Heck and Ross Andru are the artists on the series, and you’ll understand how a book that started with so much potential ended up being pure shit.

And at the end of #39, the team gets new costumes. Of course, they’re designed by Jean Grey because only girls know fashion.

But check out the insult to Beast…Covered with fur? Hmmmm.
“F” is a little harsh, here, Mr. Ekko- I would go with a “C”. Don Heck and Ross Andru are better artists than you are giving them credit for being. They are both overall better than Jack Kirby, and a quantum leap beyond Frank Robbins. ( not to speak ill of the deceased, of course ) Insofar as your observation that “only girls know fashion.” , well, sir, would you really want to hob-knob with BOYS who “know fashion”-??
There is simply no way to argue they are better than Jack Kirby. He crushes them in character design, innovation, page layout, overall construction, faces/expressions, sense of movement…There’s no comparison at all. They were, in fact, studying and trying to imitate him–that was the Marvel way.