Okay, so this panel made me sad. I’m pretty sure that this guy, who owns a diamond store, is supposed to be gay. I know it was the mid-60s so people didn’t know better, but stereotyping like this is one of the really distracting things about reading older comics.

This book introduces The Stranger, from the stars, who comes to Earth to examine mutations and gather “specimens.” He takes Magneto and Toad. Seems an awful lot like another Marvel Cosmic elder, The Collector, no?
Stranger is different here than he will be in the future. Less awesome. For example, he has to rent a room on Earth while searching for his specimens.

And pays his landlady. There is something decidedly un-cosmic about paying the rent.
After a big mutant on mutant battle, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch quit the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Soon, they’ll join The Avengers (in #16).

And Stranger takes Magneto and Toad to outer space.

Also: Ice stairs!