Wolverine #20-26 (2004-2005): Enemy of the State; Northstar dies

Wow. When issues #20-26 came out, they were easily and by far the best Wolverine solo story since the first one, back in 1982. Go ahead and disagree if you must, but I stand by my statement. I recognize that the plot has logical flaws–fairly large ones–but it’s the most fun I’ve head reading about Wolverine in a very, very long time.

When Mariko Yashida’s cousin is kidnapped, Wolverine returns to Japan on a rescue mission–only to fall into a trap set by Gorgon, leader of a Hand clan with the power to turn people to stone–like Medusa.

As he is slicing his way through an army of ninjas and kidnappers, Gorgon sneaks up behind him and stabs him through the heart.

Gorgon defeats Wolverine, and then we time-jump forward. A month later, Wolverine’s body is recovered in South America burned up and lying in a ditch. SHIELD retrieves him, takes him aboard the helicarrier, but when he awakens…

He kills his doctor.

Elektra’s aboard and the two heroes have an extended, high-adrenaline fight. At one point, Elektra manages to force Wolverine into a shark tank.

While smoking. Underwater.

Wolverine has been brainwashed–he is now an enemy of the state.

From there, he does evil deeds for Hydra and Baron Von Strucker, fights the Fantastic Four, and commits other acts of treason. He even crashes the X-Men’s plane into their own mansion. Gorgon, it turns out, was actually after Elektra–recruiting Wolverine was just a distraction.

Hydra sends Wolverine to assassinate the President while Gorgon launches an assault on Elektra, captures her, and turns her. President Bush appears in the story but I’ll just say that John Romita Jr. is a great artist of anything other than President Bush.

Looks nothing like him.

The assassination attempt fails, Wolverine finally shakes off the brainwashing. But before he gets free of the mind control, Wolverine kills Northstar.

Frankly, he deserved to die for wearing that horrible new costume.

After he kills Northstar, Wolverine takes a big beating and is remanded to SHIELD custody.

This sets the stage for Wolverine: Agent of SHIELD, which comes next.

One of the many terrific layers of the story: Baron Von Strucker is fired from Hydra for his failure. It’s suggested that Gorgon kills him, but we don’t actually see that happen so I’m not sure if he dies here.

Turns out, Gorgon was banging Strucker’s wife, Elsbeth, and she was a big part of the Baron’s fall from grace.

So, at story’s close, Wolverine is back in SHIELD custody. Elektra is now brainwashed into serving Gorgon and Hydra.

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