Paige “Husk” Gurthrie’s younger brother Jeb gets shot when his powers manifest during some local hillbilly rivalry and the local law decides he’s a threat.

Now, the yokels want to run the entire Guthrie clan out of town on a rail.

And they’ve got a special armor suit to help them do it!
The X-Men come to help although, bafflingly, Sam Guthrie is not part of the mission.
Throughout all this borderline-unreadable guff, Angel and Husk break up and then get back together and have sex in mid-air.

Is that not enough for you? Well, there’s also members of the feuding families who are in love and there’s some interracial love as well and Josh Guthrie is a singer so Chuck Austen writes a truly terrible song to close out the arc. That song is why it’s titled, “She lies with angels,” but…No. I won’t share it with you.

OK. Maybe a little. Oh, and the entire story is narrated by a dead girl. She’s the one who “lies with angels,” while Husk just “lies with Angel.” Or maybe Josh, who also has wings, is the angel. Don’t know. Don’t care.