Drac is cured, and experiences the sunlight. And also doesn’t like being normal. And he’s still being hunted, so being a human will just get him killed.
So, he seeks out Lilith in New York. But being human, he’s capable of being photographed, and so she sees that he has been cured. The Dracula hunters know he’s there too, as does Janus, so we get to see everyone for brief moments as this series winds down.

They finally best him.

Only it’s not them. It’s Satan. Who tricks Dracula into renouncing Satan as his lord, and then makes him a vampire again. For some reason, this “breaks” Dracula, even though he’s made a vamp again.

I wish this made more sense, but I guess it’s supposed to represent how we all need something to believe in, and The Devil was Dracula’s version of God.
He spends the last two issues wandering around, haunted by his own past and his fall from grace, more fighting with Janus and some of the Tomb Crew, until Quincy Harker kills him.

Making Dracula’s castle explode.

Killing Quincy as well.

With his death, Janus’ mission is over and he turns back into a baby.

And so it ends, with the final panel above. But before you get all emotional…

We’re told a ToD Magazine is coming in a few months. I understand the urge to promote, but this really takes the wind out of his death.
Still, Tomb was a book that stayed great for nearly its entirety. Well done. A solid finish, even if I don’t completely buy the “broken spirit of Dracula” sequences.