When we last saw him, Dracula appeared to have died in a huge explosion. Of course, he’s not dead. But since the non-Dracula members of the cast believe that he is dead, they’re no longer hunting him. So, these issues are mostly solo Dracula stories.
This comic is called “Tomb of Dracula” but up to now it’s really been about the supporting case–this is a shift. We get a story of a Russian vampire that is apparently based on a Russian tale.
Across these issues, Dracula and Lilith have some adventures, and the Tomb cast splits up to have their own stories as well. Taj goes home to his wife in India, and we learn that his son is a vampire.
Frank Drake wanders about, sad that he didn’t get to kill Dracula–his life’s mission. Blade kills a slew of vamps looking for the one who killed his mommy.

Most interesting, we flashback to a young Blade with a crew of black vampire hunters, and we see him actually get to stake Dracula. It’s a really fun story.

And we get the first appearance of Detective Hannibal King, who is also a vampire.