THOR #140 (1967): 1st “Mjolnir” and Growing Man

Yeah, it’s the first Growing Man.  Not a bad comic, but not many people care about Growing Man.  Know why he’s called Growing Man?

He grows.

The real reason this is a big deal issue is because of the back up feature, which has the first time we know Thor’s hammer is named Mjolnir.  Although, it’s spelled differently. Is that a typo?

1 thought on “THOR #140 (1967): 1st “Mjolnir” and Growing Man”

  1. A couple of years following this issue, the Thunderer would fall back on this stunt in ‘Avengers’#70 to stick Superm…, excuse me, “Hyperion” into a crystal ball. Take THAT, Man of Steel!


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