I like Dragon Man, but in this issue he seems to constantly shift from being between two and five times the size of Namor. Compare the above shot, where DM is standing next to Lady Dorma and appears to be about twice her height, to the inset shot where Namor comes up to Dragon Man’s knee.

Also: Enough with Dorma-as-hostage already. Seriously. It’s just lazy.

And why is Namor wearing a cape?
“D” is being a little tough on this story. It’s not so bad. I’d say a “C+”. The reason why the Dragon Man ( a character I also like, as well- he’s not a super-villain/bad guy at all, just a lovable mutt in a big, android-dragon body ) seems like he’s fluctuating in size is simply due to optical illusions. The Dragon Man is actually well over ten feet tall, it’s just in shots like the above one where he is standing guard over Lady Dorma, she and the glass-tube she is encased in are actually a good twenty feet or so behind the Dragon Man, thus creating the optical illusion of the Dragon Man only being around twice her size. Make no mistake here, the Dragon Man is HONKING huge!!! The second shot here featuring Namor letting DM have it right in the gizzard is a much more accurate and representational perspective of the Dragon Man’s size in relation to Namor and Dorma, who are mostly regular-sized mer-people. Speaking of Dorma, I agree that she seems to play the role of “damsel-in-distress” a bit too often ( but she could be MY “damsel-in-distress” ANYTIME ) but she plays it well, and I still mourn her loss fifty-two years later, because she is/was, in my humble-yet-educated opinion, one of the all-time great beauties of the Marvel Universe. You gotta figure, though, being a full-blooded Atlantean as she was, she does possess that good ol’ Atlantean sub-sea super-strength, so why couldn’t she muscle her way OUT of some of these hostage situations-??? Because the writership only saw Dorma as a damsel-in-distress, and not possessing sub-oceanic super-strength with which to kick butt and take names, THAT’S why!! But I loved the Lady Dorma, still love Namor and the Dragon Man, and I say that this interesting issue rates a “C+”! So there!! Imperious Rex!!