A story involving The Shroud, who gets his expanded power set to “summon the darkforce”–making him extremely similar to Cloak, who will appear in Spider-Man in a few years. He seems to be becoming a love interest for Spider-Woman. He’s definitely an improvement over the creepy SHIELD agent Jerry Hunt. The page above basically sums up the story: Lots about Shroud’s mystical history, and he’s in the room with a naked Jessica Drew. But he can’t see her, ’cause he’s blind.

This comic has really become just a way to bring back esoteric characters. Nekra comes back, for the first time many years.

And finally, a new character, Lindsay McCabe.
She’ll be a partner in Jessica Drew’s private detective agency.

Lots of excuses for Mark Gruenwald to write several-page-long histories of esoteric characters, which is something he loves doing.
Gruenwald has been with us for a few issues now, and he’s starting to make this book his own. It’s better, but still not great. I think it would improve more if a better artist were on the book. In this issue, we get a doctor clarifying that Spider-Woman has pheromone powers, and we also see Jessica giving SHIELD agent Jerry Hunt the boot, which puts an end to the remaining Marv Wolfman storylines.