Stan Lee and John Romita, together again, in a story about Spider-Man being wrongly accused…

…and Daredevil getting poisoned and it makes him go crazy. It was done by Kingpin and the heroes find an antidote.

It’s fine, but we’ve seen it before. Not sure why Josie’s Bar is renamed Rosie’s.

The writing has a level of self-awareness that is kind of funny.

I’m not sure if Stan Lee was bored and phoning it in, or if he was intentionally poking fun at all the conventions he used in his own classic writings–conventions he largely created, and which set the tone for decades of comic book storytelling.
Trope-ilicious! It’s actually refreshing to get a book like this in 1997, without all the big muscles and “event” continuity, or frankly anything that ties it to anywhere. It’s just a fun story.