Surfer vs. Abomination. Good art, but not much of a story.
Abomination was last seen trapped by The Stranger. In this issue, a mystic cult free him by summoning him.
Surfer vs. Abomination. Good art, but not much of a story.
Abomination was last seen trapped by The Stranger. In this issue, a mystic cult free him by summoning him.
This issue worked for me, for two reasons: 1) The Abomination. The Abomination is a really good villain, although he’s not really quite strong enough to be duking it out with the Silver Surfer. ( but for that matter, who is??? The Surfer can access all the physical might he requires, making him virtually unbeatable, and qualifying him as one of the Top Four Greatest Superheroes of All Time, along with Superman, the Green Lantern ( Hal Jordan ) and the Mighty Thor ) 2) The witch coven. What makes this threat so interesting is that, unlike Galactus, Dr. Doom, the Legion of Doom, and the Masters of Evil, et. al, witch covens just happen to actually exist in our real world, thus making them a considerable threat. In all eighteen issues of the first ‘Silver Surfer’ series, this coven of witches is the only threat in the world which actually exists! So- that makes this issue very interesting. Even though the Abomination and a coven of witches could be considered a “slow day at the office” for the Silver Surfer, I don’t believe old Norrin has to go up against Galactus, Mephisto, or a full-scale alien invasion every single month in order to have an exciting, worthwhile adventure. Correction: Since “Mephisto” is simply a pseudonym for Satan, then the Surfer HAS faced two threats in his first series which actually exists! And one of these threats is actually in the employ of another, since witch covens do the work of Satan! So, it all comes around! Long Live the Silver Surfer!! Grade “D”, Mr. Ekko-?? Great Zeus, dost thou jesteth, man??!! This issue rateth a “B+”, sirrah!!
I agree abomination is cool and I like that you like this comic. I wish Abomination was handled well more often. He’s usually just a big strong guy who punches hulk a lot.