Doug Moench and Herb Trimpe did a really good job with Godzilla, so it makes sense Marvel would give them another Japanese-based franchise: Shogun Warriors. The Shoguns were toys–extremely well-made, fantastic toys.

Unlike Godzilla, Shogun Warriors’ earlier issues were not canon. Giant robots, with humans inside operating them, beat the crap out of each other for 19 issues. And most of my favorites appeared.

But it was not a good comic.

I wouldn’t even cover it here, except that towards the end, it merges with the 616 Universe. First, it merges with Godzilla, when Dr. Demonicus appears as a villain in #14, and the Warriors fight some of his monsters. No Godzilla though. That would have been awesome.

Then, the Fantastic Four appeared in the final two issues. It doesn’t save the series, though, which ends in a very strange way with a flat-faced, oval-headed alien race coming and taking the Shoguns away.