At this point, this comic is on fumes. In #58, she fights Electro, and even on the cover she looks tired by the mediocrity of it all. At the end, she hops into Jake “Moon Knight” Lockley’s cab, and heads off into her two final issues, where we find everything you saw John Byrne do before (and better) in the early issues of this book: D-Listers, fourth-wall breaking, self-deprication, etc.. And she says as much in the end…

And even indicates that there are several other comics that need to end.
The cover to #60, though, was very cool. It paid tribute to issue #1.

Sholly Fisch (script #58), Scott Benson and Len Kaminski (script #59-60), Dennis Jensen (pencils #58) and Pat Olliffe (pencils #59-60)