Sable and Fortune #1-4 (2006)

Silver Sable teams up with a new, young Dominic Fortune to weed out double agents within the Wild Pack.  It starts with the reader watching as Sable gradually loses control over her team. She then formally disbands the group…

And meets a new version of Dominic Fortune.

This is the third person to take the name of Dominic Fortune.

It turns out that her group was infiltrated by a terrorist organization.  She wants to just quit, but of course she can’t let herself do that.

Sable and Fortune weed out the traitorous agents.  It ends with Sable and Fortune deciding to become a team.

Like the old Silver Sable series from [DATES AND TAG], this miniseries is much better than I expected.  It started with terrific painted art by John Burns, which was reminiscent of Howard Chaykin’s style (Chaykin created the original Dominic Fortune), but then the last issue took a sharp turn with replacement art by Laurenn McCubbinn that was in a very, very different style.  In addition, the ending feels rushed (I think this was originally supposed to be six issues but got cut). 

All that ends up taking the rating for this series down several notches. What started out as a B+ book ends up going down to a C.

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