Keith Pollard is on the art now, as Hulk meets (and fights) Sub-Mariner. The battle is epic.
Meanwhile, the Kylorian aliens, who Hulk repelled in the last arc, are planning a second attack.

Namor gets close the water, which gives him a power-up, and is able to take Hulk down. But then Hulk gets an undersea helmet and there’s a rematch.

Meanwhile, Bloodstone continues to fight The Conspiracy and meets Modular Man. He’s a minor villain, but he’ll fight Spider-Man in a few years, thus further suggesting that at least the Bloodstone half of Rampaging Hulk is canon. As for the Hulk half, Incredible Hulk #269 references some of the events of this story and says it never happened.

in issue #7, there’s also a Steve Gerber/Jim Starlin Man-Thing story. It’s visually stunning, of course, and extremely strange. But that’s redundant, since I already said it was written by Steve Gerber. Starlin throws in a fantastic pin up.

I mean, look at that amazing art.
Creators and grades are:
Hulk: Doug Moench and Keith Pollard. C+
Bloodstone: John Warner and Allen Kupperberg. C
Man-Thing: Steve Gerber and Jim Starlin. C