Punisher takes his girl home to meet his dog.
Incidentally, his dog is named Max, and Punisher: MAX will be the best Punisher title of all time. I thought he’d killed the dog in issue #57 when Max was severely injured?
Punisher has booby traps in his lair–which leads to an Indiana Jones reference.
Anyway, the interesting character work in this story is that Lynn Michaels, a police officer, gradually becomes enamored of the vigilante lifestyle—rather than suddenly adopting it when someone like her husband/kid/parent gets killed. And a very good plot point is that she is NOT a hostage in this story.
Max is. He gets taken by a gang, and Pun gets him back.

Pun is also having more feelings about the dog than the woman.
Sadly, this is Max’s final appearance.
I’m a sucker for a good dog story.