As sales began to slump, John Byrne came aboard as cover artist and did a terrific job with these two issues.
The story is a rare two-parter from a series that was famous for doing done in ones every month. This story, written by the dependable Jim Owsley and drawn by the underrated Mark Bright, was a little heavier than most: The team get trapped in a base in the Arctic circle with a crazed gatekeeper (who is obsessed with invasive ducks) and a nuke, who actually blows up the bomb–trapping Luke and Danny in the bunker.

For issue #116, they’re trapped inside, giving us some great character work. Luke Cage goes crazy for food, and Danny meditates his way safe from frostbite. Snowy fun!

This is one of the top 10 issues of the entire Power Man and Iron Fist series.