Nice cover. Excellent splash page.

And an excellent second page, too.

Other than that, it’s a decent story but there’s not a whole lot to it. Most issues of MK are like that—good reads but wholly inessential.
Marlene gets a speaking engagement so the pair make a vacation out of it. Look how Bill Sienkiewicz depicts a phone conversation:

Sienkiewicz’s art is truly extraordinary, which makes it a little risky to let anyone else draw Moon Knight. But in this issue there was a Kevin Nowlan pin-up.

Pretty good. Nice job making the cape look like the moon. But he’s no Bill.
Doug Moench continues to play with the question whether Khonshu is a real God or just a hallucination.

Marlene has a sense of humor about it.

It wasn’t just the art that made these issues so much fun to read–Doug Moench writes characters pretty damn good.
I don’t usually give colorists credit here, but I really should. Christie Scheele does a great job with spot color on the yellow gleam of Moon Knight’s wrist armor.