America has its 100th Birthday!
In celebration of the birth of the United States, Captain America gets an oversized one-shot.
A mystical mark transports Cap through time where he meets historical figures from 100 years ago like Jim Brown, Betsy Ross, and Ben Franklin.
And we learn about Captain Steven Rogers–from the war!
And Jack Kirby himself.
It’s a jammed book, with lots of stories that emphasize the random…
It’s silly, but it’s fun and has pin-ups.
Make that a “C-MINUS”, and I’ll agree with you. After several years of following the awesome excellence of “Stainless” Steve Englehart, and “Our Pal” Sal Buscema’s work on this title, I was hopelessly spoiled! The ‘Kirby Krap’ of the 1970’s ( both at Marvel, and at DC ) was ponderous, utterly irrelevant, and completely unmemorable drivel like this Treasury Edition. I understand that, following the collapse of his “Fourth World” oeuvre over at DC, Kirby needed a professional break- but NOT at the expense of the Mighty Marvel Faithful! Kirby’s work on ‘Captain America’, ‘Black Panther’, and ‘Machine Man’- ( ????-!!!! ) during the second half of the 1970’s was all just positively dreadful! I have endured my detractors throughout my entire life for my lifelong association with comics- I certainly would not have wanted any of those detractors to see any of THAT Krap!!! It would have made their case!! Anyway, Kirby is King, and long live the King, and let’s just try to remember him as the co-architect of the Mighty Marvel Universe in the previous decade, with his legendary works on the X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandoes, The Avengers, The Mighty Thor, The Incomparable Inhumans, Galactus and The Silver Surfer, and, above all others, the first 102 groundbreaking issues of the Fabulous Fantastic Four!! Fair enough, and ‘Nuff Said!!