For this issue, the title is changed to “Marvel Preview Presents” (in small type) “The Haunt of Horror.”
It’s the Halloween issue. Lilith has the lead story. Check out the splash page:

In a blunt reference to the financial crisis of 1929, we see Lilith falling out of a window with the title “Profits Are Plunging.”
Yes of course this is by Steve Gerber.
Freelance writer Martin Gold, who was created by Gerber (and is basically a stand-in for him), needs to support his pregnant girlfriend so he “sells out” to write advertising for a corporation. But his girlfriend is really Lilith, who eats the bad corporate guys. Fairly typical Gerber.
Art is by Frank Springer.

After some postmodern E.C. Comic type stuff, we then get a soft-porn Dracula story by Doug Moench and Sonny Trinidad.