In a totally bizarre twist, right in the middle of the Infinity War, a series of short features in a Marvel monthly anthology titles allows Death to speak for the first time to Thanos.
So what does she say?
It turns out, she’s very worried about the outcome of the Infinity War, and she wants Thanos to kill Adam Warlock. If you’ve been reading along with this blog, you know that Thanos and Warlock had to team up during the Infinity War to defeat evil versions of themselves, so this would be a betrayal not only of that partnership but would possibly doom the entire galaxy to being enslaved by Magus (Warlock’s evil twin).
Thanos finds himself questioning whether her offer is real–or if she even spoke to him.

Ultimately, weighing the fate of the universe (and himself) and the possibility that he hallucinated the whole thing, when he has Warlock in his sights…

A nice tie-in to the Infinity War.