These two issues begin the partnership of Cobra and Mr. Hyde, one of my favorite dastardly duos at Marvel, and build directly on the introduction of Executioner a few issues ago. But it starts with The Avengers separating after a meeting…

Thor flies off, and Cobra sees him in the air. He ducks into Hyde’s apartment to (ahem) hide.

They then meet.

And fight.

And team up.
In these issues, Hyde is actually a pretty talented scientist. He invents a machine that can track people back through time, so that the user can see what they’ve done. They use the machine to track Thor to Dr. Don Blake’s office.

And during the battle that ensues, Cobra realizes that a machine can lift Thor’s hammer.

I’m pretty sure that’s not true. I know this isn’t a “power” per se, but it’s a dropped plot element, so I’m tagging this with my Forgotten Power Sets tag.
But when he steals the Hammer, it turns back into a cane.

The two bicker, Blake retrieves the walking stick, turns back into Thor, and he beats them up.
Jack and Stan also write Tales of Asgard back-ups here. The first is about Heimdall. The second, Balder.