Reading the Sub-Mariner comics has been one of the more challenging parts of my effort read every Marvel comic ever. I don’t find the character all that interesting (he’s kind of a one-note guy), and his adventures tend to be repetitive. In fact, I think he’s the only character in history to get amnesia and wander around the world more than once.
In this comic, though, it’s mostly a big fight.

I was very surprised to see Moondragon debuting in this book, since she’s a “cosmic” character. Of course, she’s not Moondragon yet. Instead, she’s “Madame MacEvil.” Why is she Irish? No idea.

In this book, she’s an evil scientist who wants to dissect Sub-Mariner and is abusive to her helping computers.

Moony’s a bitch, but she’s a damn cute one- even bald!! I’d call her “Madame Mc Evil” ( or anything else she requests ) all night long!