A new writer comes aboard with a truly awful title for his first story: “Wrecked him? He nearly killed him!” It’s Iron Man vs Wrecker for the first Acts of Vengeance tie-in.
For #252, Chemistro figures out how to defeat Iron Man, and it’s kinda simple and stupid when you think about it. You just change his armor and suffocate him.
Dwayne McDuffie has done some great work for Marvel—notably on Power Man and Iron Fist. On art, Herb Trimpe is certainly capable of great work—like what he did for Hulk.

The fights themselves are pretty well thought out—Chemistro turns Iron Man’s armor to lead, rendering it inoperational, and Wrecker—who has Asgardian power behind him—is defeated by Stark magnetizing his crowbar. So these issues have that going for them.
In all, it’s a pretty good couple of issues. Not that it matters because they’re fill-ins. There’s going to be a bunch of different creators working on this book for the next couple months. Then John Byrne will be the regular writer, but the artists will vary.