Don Perlin was born on August 27, 1929. His best known Marvel work was a long run on The Defenders, but he also created quite a few cool characters. Here’s a Don Perlin top 10 to celebrate this great artist’s birthday:
10. Arcanna, Nuke, and Power Princess. Don designed these members of the Squadron Supreme.

8. and 9 Null and the Six Fingered Hand. The demon and demon-cult from Defenders
7. Cloud. The first multi-gendered superhero of all time came out of Don Perlin’s classic Defenders run.

6. Hamilton Slade. The Western character was rebooted in modern times by Don Perlin, when he crossed paths with Ghost Rider.
5. Captain America #250. No, Perlin didn’t work on this famous issue in which Cap wrestles with a decision whether to run for President. But Perlin did help come up with the concept, and Roger Stern credited him for it.

4. The Orb. During his 3+ year run on Ghost Rider, Perlin helped create the book’s best-looking villain.

3. Bloodshot. Perlin was one of the original editors for the indie publisher, and he cocreated Bloodshot–one of Valiant’s most popular characters. And a movie star!

2. Gargoyle. Marvel’s first senior citizen hero was yet another one of the great things about Don Perlin’s 6-year run on Defenders.

- Moon Knight. During his run on Werewolf by Night, Perlin designed Marvel’s Batman. And of course he’s #1.