Bill Mantlo was born on November 9, 1951. His ability to turn in scripts overnight made him an indispensable fill-in writer. He also was the first to write about Bruce Banner being abused as a child, was a phenomenal franchise writer, and created many lasting characters (see below) who were adapted in TV and film. After souring on the industry, he became a public defender and then, tragically, a victim of a hit-and-run that left him penniless and permanently institutionalized. He brought in a lot of money for Marvel, and it’s painful to see how he has been neglected over the years. If you like his work, you can donate here.

- Hypno Hustler. Just kidding. Rocket Raccoon is his #1.
- Cloak and Dagger
- White Tiger
- The U-Foes
- Jean DeWolff (betcha didn’t know about this one!)
- ROM the Spaceknight and Dire Wraiths
- Soviet Super Soldiers (as a team), and member Ursa Major
- Lady Deathstrike
- The Micronauts
- Modred the Mystic
- Captain Universe
- Jack of Hearts
- Ollie “Steel Spider” Osnick
- Marvel’s versions of The Transformers
- Swarm
- Carrion
- Collective Man
- Copperhead
- Crime Master
- Sabra