The Avengers get together in a giant-size quarterly so Marvel can charge more money for basically an issue-and-a-half of The Avengers.
Captain America’s World War 2 buddy, Whizzer, “stalks” The Avengers–looking for their help with his son, Nuklo. Note that this is not the Whizzer from the Squadron Supreme.

After a truly bizarre and pointless fight, Whizzer tells The Avengers his oral autobiography–lots of flashbacks to WW2–and explains that he and Miss America had a baby with unspeakable power who they locked away to protect Earth.

Because he was leaking nuclear energy. These things happen, says the doc.

Baby’s awake now. And, in the grand tradition of “big issues,” he’s split into three parts so that The Avengers can also break up into teams, making the story easier to tell.

Over the course of the story, Whizzer claims that he and his wife also had twins and birthed them in Wundagore, with the help of High Evolutionary.
That’s right, Whizzer is the father of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. (Except he’s not. This will be changed in the future.)
Maybe if the Scarlet Witch hadn’t interjected across what Bova the Cow-Nanny was trying to say about those newborn twins’ real names, their true names would have been revealed, and Wanda’s unfortunate misassumption about she and Pietro being those twins could have been avoided, thus also avoiding several years of the misbelief that the Whizzer and Miss America were their real parents! See what rude behavior leads to-??