FANTASTIC FOUR #133 (1973)

Despite the clearly false hyperbole on the cover (Thing vs. Thundra is NOT the fight of the century), this is a good issue. In fact, the first issue of Gerry Conway’s run on F4 was probably one of his best. “Thundra At Dawn” was a done-in-one slugfest between Thing and Thundra. But it started first with a celebration of New Year’s Eve…

Reed is such a downer.

We’re still not at the main event yet. First, Thundra makes short work of Johnny…

Thundra beats Johnny Storm by blowing him out and hitting him with a snowball. That’s awesome.

Then we get the alleged fight of the Century.

It is a good fight, despite Thundra’s “women’s lib” ranting making the appearance seem a little…gynophobic.

She nearly wins but Thing never gives in.


Just not the fight of the century.

(I’m actually not sure what the fight of the century would be for the ’70s. For the ’80s, I’m pretty sure it’s Thing vs. Champion.)

It’s big enough to be covered in the papers…


Lots of fun.  Terrific issue.  Lots of cameos.

Not enough comics are just plain silly fun anymore.

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