I’m not a huge Overmind fan, and this issue is all about him.
It starts with the funeral for Kyle Richmond–who was killed, indirectly, as a result of Overmind’s actions.
Overmind’s body is occupied by a whole bunch of beings, and in this issue there’s some kind of confusing reconciliation with all of them. There is a lot to be said for character-driven issues like this, but the problem here is that Overmind is a new character and one I’m not very fond of. Still, if you’re one of his fans, you’ll dig it.
Other developments:

Elf with a Gun kidnaps Kyle “Nighthawk” Richmond’s nurse (who looks a lot like Hellcat) and calls her toots. And he has a cosmic car.
It ends with weepy affection between the ladies–Hellcat hasn’t been digging Val lately, so this is them making up.

Contrary to Mr. Ekko’s above recollection, the Overmind is NOT a “new character”, but rather a super-villain who dates all the way back to ‘Fantastic Four’#113, from 1971. However, I will concede that these issues of ‘Defenders’ concerning the Overmind, the Squadron Supreme, and the Elf With A Gun are all excruciatingly unmemorable, a situation which will, unfortunately, not be remedied by the soon-to-arrive Ex-Men and the “New Defenders”- these issues, ranging from 1982 to the series’ murderously, torturously slow demise at the end of 1985, will go down in Marvel history as one of the notoriously worst runs of any series in the company’s entire history. Peeeeeeeeeeeee-YEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!