Launched as part of its magazine line, the first issue of Deadly Hands introduced the Sons of the Tiger and had an original Shang Chi story. The rest of it was stuff like pictures of Bruce Lee, “kung fu lessons,” and a review of the movie Five Fingers of Death.
The Shang Chi story is a flashback to when he was a kid and his dad tried to kill him. Nothing bad, nothing surprising. Englehart/Starlin/Milgrom. Good combination. Grade C.

Then the book introduces The Sons of the Tiger. We first see Lin Sun, fighting Ninjas, and then meet Bob Diamond and Abe Brown, a white guy and a black guy.

Marvel’s own karate version of the interracial Mod Squad.
They each have a piece of the White Tiger amulet, and when they come together they get mad skills.

It’s a decent origin story. Also a rare example of Marvel work by Dick Giordano.