With this issue, Bill Sienkiewicz starts doing covers. Very nice.

Dazzler is basically kidnapped by Project Pegasus, who want to test her powers. So they pit her against Klaw. And she “kills” him.
Quasar also appears as her tour guide, sort of to prove that the Project people are hero-based, even if they subject Dazzler to tests she’d rather not take, under threat of exposing to the world that she is a mutant.

This is the issue where Quasar and Dazzler fell hard for each other he.likes her and she likes him and don’t get me started on the chemistry they’re superhot together and still can be🔥🔥🔥Danny Fingeroth andvTom DeFalco
I meant to say that Tom DeFalco and Danny Fingeroth wanted to make Wendell Elvis Vaughn and Alison Priscilla Blaire a lightbased cosmic power supercouple.
And they still do want to make them a couple.