This story jumps a year ahead from the last arc. A year. Marvel let Bendis skip over a year of stories. That’s unprecendented. I mean, the X-Universe skipped ahead several months when Chris Claremont re-signed with Marvel, but there is was an event–a linewide mystery for readers of what happened during the lost time.
Here, we’re given a few pages of patented Bendis narration and recap. Matt Murdock became a multi-millionaire by winning his libel case against the Daily Globe, and Matt used the money to rebuilt Hell’s Kitchen. Crime is under control (his control). The Democratic Party offers him a shot at Mayor of New York.
Then, a shot of marital bliss…

Through flashbacks, we learn more. The other superheroes of New York were unwilling to do what Matt did.

But you can’t argue with success.
Then, the Yakuza came to town, seeking control, using Clan Orii ninjas to do their work. Matt fought 100 ninjas. During the battle, the FBI arrived to break it up with tear gas–and Matt went missing. Much of this story centers around Ben Urich’s search for Murdock–at his wife Milla’s request.

We learn that Matt has had a breakdown, of sorts, over the death of Karen Page.
In the end, those same heroes who scolded him for his tactics ally with Daredevil and help him rout the Yakuza. Once he is found, Milla leaves him–seeing that his lamentation over Karen Page betrays Matt’s lack of ability to fully love his new bride.
Rich dialogue, a truly novel story full of original ideas…Comics really don’t get much better than this.
Also note that issue #57 changes puts this title under the Marvel Knights banner. Not sure why that matters, but it’s supposed to signal more adult content.