This is a chapter in Elektra story that is one of the best Frank Miller stories of all time, and also in the second best Daredevil story of all time (full list here).
Frank Miller introduces the blood red, faceless, dissolving ninja clan known as “The Hand.” Elektra also wears red, so the reader immediately wonders if there is a connection.
Matt Murdock is defending Melvin Potter, the costume shop owner who is also Gladiator.

Like many of Miller’s characters, Gladiator is depicted as mentally sick rather than intentionally homicidal. This issue begins his rehabilitation as a hero
Kingpin is looming in the background, having recently retaken his crown as Kingpin of Crime. The sudden presence of Hand ninjas, who are stalking Elektra, threaten to undermine his control of the murder-for-hire market, and wants to pit

Note that Kingpin smokes. That’s rare in the ’80s.
them against Daredevil, who keeps interfering in other areas of Kingpin’s interest.
And so he hires the ninjas to go after Melvin Potter.
Also there’s some great little background details–like Murdock collecting demonic masks in his home…
It’s such a minor thing, but it says so much about him. And look at the shadow of Elektra, through blind-slats that look like prison bars. Brilliant.
As the three costumed heroes defend themselves against the Hand, we learn that the ninjas are targeting Elektra.
Meanwhile, DD’s relationship with Elektra gets more complicated…

It’s rare that an excellent artist is also an excellent writer (and vice-versa). Of the top of my head I can think of only a few, and most of them are indie creators like Dave Sim; at Marvel, there has been: John Byrne, Howard Chaykin…Who else?