In “First Friends,” we get a brief cameo from Misty Knight and then a story about Ororo and Jean that takes place right after X-Men #94, which is reprinted in the front of the book. The story shows Storm angry after Jean reads her mind during a conflict on the streets of New York. We also learn that Jean is uncomfortable with female nudity.
I’m really enjoying these back-up features. Great character work so far.
I really don’t believe that there is any information here to support that Jean is “uncomfortable with female nudity”. Jean turns around to quite unexpectedly catch Ororo in full-on Godiva-mode. Jean was totally unprepared for the moment, and I believe that her reaction would be shared by anyone with at least one functioning eye. Jean is, if anything, a relatively-liberal woman, so I don’t think she would have a problem with anybody’s nudity as long as she was prepared for it, and it did not catch her by surprise! She should just consider herself blessed-and honored- that Ororo has absolutely no problem with letting it all hang out in her presence! Marvel Girl is identified as “Marvel Girl, aka Phoenix”, above, which is fallacious, considering that this story occurs well before the epochal events of “Uncanny X-Men” #’s 100-101, in which the Phoenix-entity becomes Marvel Girl, and vice-versa. In other words, the Phoenix has yet to enter the ‘X-Men’ scene, which means that Marvel Girl should just be identified as “Marvel Girl/Jean Grey” in the above cast-list. Thank you!