Captain Marvel unmasks, and tries to matriculate into the world of “normal people” by getting a job at a space observatory but none of that matters because it’s dropped as soon as it starts, and instead we learn that Thanos did something called a “starburst” on Earth’s sun, before he died, which made it so that it put forth increasing solar energy and will eventually explode. Mar-Vell is absorbing that extra energy, but it makes him lose his mind.
So he fights Thor.

Mar-Vell manages to push the star-burst into the Negative Zone, using his nega-bands. Yeah, it’s that simple. These issues feel like they’re starting to do something but then go nowhere.

Also: Minerva is tracking Ronan, who is working on a farm and still has the mind of a child.
And on the letters page, Kurt Busiek talks shit about George Tuska. And he’s not wrong.