I want to like this book, I really do. But I don’t. It’s not that it’s awful, it’s just so…Pedestrian. And it’s not like it’s because it’s a Silver Age book that’s been redone and ripped off for decades—by the time it came out, it was already hack-y.
Consider the main threat there: Captain Marvel has a briefcase bomb that literally can destroy Earth. The Skrulls want to steal it. Meh.

But at least we get a Gene Colan rendering of Super Skrull. That’s neat. His art in this series is really good.
Still, in the end, this story is sowing the seeds for the Kree-Skrull war that will come about years later. So that’s something.

Also: Lame letters page title.
Graded as C+. The “+” is for the significance of it laying the groundwork for the bigger Kree stories in the future. And the art.