MODOK is dead and AIM has his body.

Captain America is hunting down the Serpent Society, MODOK’s killers. In the process, The Porcupine is trying to quit being a villain by selling his suit to the Serpents, who aren’t interested in buying it because, you know, they’re about snakes not rodents. But Cap sees this as an opportunity to do a buy-bust, and has Porky arrange to meet the Serpents for a deal. In the process, Porcupine is killed.

Too bad, because he gets a new catchphrase in this issue.

Now he’s dead so he can’t use it.
Two issues, two deaths. It’s weird that they’d put Porcupine’s armor on display as “honored” in the Mansion, given that much more signficant–and arguably more morally ambiguous–characters have died without similar tributes.
Also, on the letter page, Serpent Society gets a business card.

Mark Gruenwald was one my favorite writers. The Porcupine because of this issue became my favorite villain. I was disappointed that Alex died but at least he died fighting along side of an Avenger as a hero. A great writer takes a nobody like the Porcupine and turns him into a somebody. I’m glad he got honored by the Avengers. Someday Cap might be buried right next to him. Now that is an honor for Alex Gentry. Dennis Hopeless Hallum another favorite writer of mine turned the second Porcupine, Roger Gocking, into a hero as well. He is now my favorite character. Overall this was an excellent issue. Very deep and emotional. Poor Alex never caught a break. Loved his original haystack armor. It was very unique.
Seriously??? Porcupine is your favorite character? That’s … Awesome. That’s truly awesome.
I love all the quirky characters. Especially the villains. That battle suit of Porky’s is so outrageous it’s cool.