Interesting that they raised the prices for limited series. I would think that monthly books would be more likely to have guaranteed sales. But then, in 1984, #1 issues and limited series were a rarity, where higher numbers for series that had gone on for many years were the norm. Things have changed.
I was just frankly impressed with Jim Shooter’s admission- forty years ago, and now, today- that, “….frankly, it’s too much to charge…….” He was right. The comics industry’s biggest enemy, then, and now, is ITSELF. For the past fifty years, it’s been doing itself in with it’s own increasing, accumulative greed, and in the past fifteen years, with it’s increasing woke-ism, and hard swing to the Left. Barack Obama is elected President, as the “Amazing” Spider-Man swings off into the sunset musing to himself “…….well, the Government’s in good hands………..” Why-??-! Has Reagan Returned From the Dead-???