Okay, so usually I don’t include out-of-continuity stories like What Ifs and humor issues. But for this book, I’m making an exception.
Because it’s absolutely brilliant. And actually kind of important, at least in the sense of Deadpool’s evolution.
It starts with some paper doll cutouts (“Dresspool”), which is really just filler, before it launches into a send up of the classic kids book, “Make Way for Ducklings.”

Pictured above, look how it compares to the original…

And there are other pages that are even more direct lifts from the book, with Deadpool inserted into cute, child-friendly mayhem. Many years later, Cullen Bunn did a similar thing with Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars, in which he re-told the story of the original, 1980s Marvel event (the first “event”), Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, but now Deadpool was inserted as a major character.
A great idea is a great idea forever.
Then, Joe Kelly scripted a “Goofus and Gallant” segment (remember them, from Highlights for Children Magazine?), where Deadpool’s behavior was likened to the gallant Captain America…

And finally, He did a send up of the Gashlycrumb Tinies.

Again, for context, here’s the original…

Humor books often go horribly wrong, but this is one worth seeking out.