The crew goes to Britain to fight the Wrecking Crew. But before you get excited, it’s because Thunderball is possessed by…Black Knight. Arrggggg! I love Wrecking Crew! I hate Black Knight! Why did they ruin this appearance????
Oh, wait. It’s a different Black Knight. It’s one I care about even less than Dane Whitman.
During the battle, a bystander becomes the new Captain Britain.
Her name is Lionheart. Like this new Black Knight, she doesn’t matter either. She’s so forgettable that she is not on the cover of ANY of the issues in this arc. There’s a bunch of stuff with Braddock but trust me, you really don’t care.

Speaking about her children, who believe she died, Hank says: “He’ll get over it. Kids rebound.”
So, almost 500 issues and three decades after he punched his wife in the face, Hank Pym is a still a prick.
I’m didn’t love Geoff Johns’ run, but Chuck Austen’s brief stint is much worse.
This comic series is dying a slow death. Five issues to go after this.