Here is one of the most celebrated Avengers story in history…And one of the best of Roger Stern’s long, well-regarded run. A whole mess of Avengers baddies finally figure out that if they band together they might actually be able to defeat the A team.

And it’s especially good because my least favorite Avenger, Black Knight, gets a massive beatdown.

And then is held hostage.

Best use of Black Knight ever. Human shield. I feel bad for Jarvis though. He’s a good guy.

Hercules is drunk:
It also leads directly into the “Assault on Olympus” storyline. Hercules doesn’t like takin’ orders from the ladies so goes off all mad like he’s drunk or somethin’ and ends up going to the hospital. But the main storyline is about this team of villains taking over Avengers Mansion.
Scott Lang shows up to help…

It’s a well constructed extended battle story. Some good matches, like Blackout versus Captain Marvel.

Along the way, the main Avengers get defeated and there’s a need to recruit guys like Shroud and Doctor Druid.
But even in defeat, Cap remains defiant.

And this is my favorite panel from the entire story:
Oh, and Arnim Zola dies…
We all know he comes back to life later. But that doesn’t stop Cap from shedding manly tears.
Has Cap ever cried in a comic book before or since?
This is the third best Roger Stern comic of all time.