This is actually a really good ending to a really bad series. And it starts with Silver Surfer, who we haven’t seen in a long time, which in and of itself is pretty nice.
Beyonder left the Earth in bad shape—it’s quickly exploding—and the only one who can help is Molecule Man.

The heroes are trying to avert volcanic disasters, while also trying to convince Molecule Man to help them. I love that drawing of Mr. Fantastic holding Namor.
Eventually, they convince Molecule Man to help—he’s afraid he will lose his powers in order to expend sufficient power to save the Earth—and in the end it looks like he’s normal, so The Avengers, in exchange for his saving the Earth, let him go his merry way.

But of course he was faking. Nice twist.

He says he’s not going to be evil, though–just enjoy domestic bliss with his lover, Volcana.

Also, She Hulk continues to sleep her way through the Marvel Universe. Roger Stern was also writing F4 at this time so he knew damn well She Hulk was seeing Wyatt Wingfoot. Maybe he gave her a pass for Greek Gods.
For my money, “Owie” and Marsha are the most adorable couple in comics, and if the She-Hulk is boning her way through 616, ( undoubtedly making up for lost time, as I do not believe she was getting too much dick in her previous ‘Jennifer Walters’ state- and, anyway, why should the Black Widow have all the fun?? ) then, all I would have to say to that is- you GO, girl!!!