First appearance of The Scorpion. So many classic villains in these early issues….
Mac Gargan is a thug hired by J. Jonah Jameson to spy on Peter Parker and see how he gets all those great Spider-Man pics. When JJJ learns about Dr. Sitwell’s ability to give people super-powers, he puts Gargan in the mix and Scorpion is born. Yodda yodda. It’s a fine origin tale, but the real story is on the splash page, where the creative tension between Steve and Stan is bleeding into content.

Spidey beats him by trashing his costume.

And JJJ gets his comeupannce.

Actually, he doesn’t. Dude invented a supervillain. He should have ended up in jail.
Classic. I love that the Golden Age baddies weren’t so complex. Simple is always best.