Peter Parker Graduates…
In his first story, Marv had Peter almost marry MJ, but then she said no. In this story, he almost graduates college, but then Empire State University says no. Because he forgot to take gym. Oh, the irony. But he does take the course, and gets his diploma.

There is this sweet sequence, where Robbie Robertson enables Aunt May (who is recovering from multiple heart attacks in the hospital) to watch the graduation ceremony on TV.

Other than that, he fights a generic martial arts villain called White Dragon. Check out his shoes, with the “W” for White Dragon.

His costume is blinged out. He’s the leader of the Dragon Lords street gang.
And the action sequence is ridiculous.

Spider-Man is bound in chains. Then he is dropped in a flaming vat of oil. But for some reason he has flame-retardant webbing loaded in his shooters, he’s able to completely mummify himself before his costume is even singed, and then as a mummy he still has full range of motion to jump out. Oh, and he breaks the chains, too, which if he could have done, why wouldn’t he do it before he’s dropped in the vat?
And why wouldn’t White Dragon just kill him instead of death-trapping him?
Stupid stupid stupid. It’s hard to believe this same writer produced the best DC comic of the 1980s, The new Teen Titans.