If you care about the private lives of Alpha Flight members, you probably don’t read my reviews of Alpha Flight–because I’ve been pretty clear that Bill Mantlo ran this series and the characters into the ground. Irretrievably.
But if you do care, issue #95 is a quiet issue that ends with Guardian announcing the new lineup of Alpha and Beta Flights….

I really hope this doesn’t mean we’ll be getting two shitty Canada books a month now.

Issue #96 is another character study, but this time from the villain’s perspective: Master of the World, setting us up for his return and a “big” story arc.

It says something about this book that in 96 issues, their main villain is still the same guy.

I also will say that I never noticed this before. Bill Mantlo turned Madison Jeffries into a new Box, with the power to transmute machines. Bill Mantlo also was very well known for toy adaptations like Micronauts and Shogun Warriors.
He basically made Transformers canon!